Under 2’s Group
The Baby room accommodates babies from 3 – 18 months. Full time members of staff work in this area with the support of a lunch time helper, thus establishing a high degree of continuity of care, which we believe is particularly important with under 2’s.
There is a separate sleeping room, play room and fully equipped bathroom, with full use of the garden and astro-turf area of the main Nursery. The Babies at Kingswood also have spontaneous access to their own secluded safe decked area.
Babies are given every opportunity to develop at their own rate whilst participating in a loosely structured day which introduces them to, art & craft, water play, music, singing etc. This is flexible enough to allow for their individual routines with relevant levels of stimulation.
Staff ratio for this group is 1:3 staff:child ratio, 9 children in each class.
The Tiger group caters for children between the ages of 18 months – 2 years. The working child to staff ratio is 1:3 with two full time members of staff. Activities are planned to introduce the foundation skills. Once again we feel it is important to have a loosely structured day allowing our toddlers to maintain their individual routines yet still participating in our active day. The toddlers use the garden and astro-turf as part of their daily routine. The Toddlers at Kingswood also have spontaneous access to their own secluded safe decked area.
During your visit please see our baby/toddler room staff who will be happy to provide a copy of their day’s activities.

Dedicated under 2’s baby and toddler groups

2’s - 3's Group
The Butterfly group caters for children from 2 – 3 years.
The sessional activities are planned around our children’s individual needs and interests, and establishing basic foundation skills in all areas of learning. The working child to staff ratio for this group 1:4 staff:child ratio, 20 children in each class.
Separate Preschool group to help prepare your child for their transition to school
Over 3’s Group
The Rabbit group caters for children from 36 months and their planned activities continue to build upon each child’s individual skills and interests. Learning at their pace, giving them confidence and enjoyment in all activities. Staff ratio for this group 1:8.
Fish Group
The Fish group is for pre-school children whose structured day is very similar to reception class.
The group are always confident and motivated to learn having acquired all the necessary pre-school skills. We have built up good links with local schools, sharing good practice and having an open invitation to come and visit the children during their transition time. The transition period for Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities will start earlier in the year to ensure that the change to school is as smooth and unsettling as possible.
Staff ratio for this group 1:8.
As your child moves groups they will have play visits and be given an information sheet which explains the differences in the new group and who their new Key Person will be. This also provides another opportunity to discuss and update us on development, wellbeing, needs and support.
We have a qualified teacher on the staff team and others with training and expertise in Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, Communication and Under two practice who support both settings.