World Book Day 2020
This week we celebrated World book day on Thursday 5th March. We held a world book week in nursery with lots of our children dressing up as their favourite characters from their favourite books. Kingswood also took 2 trips of children upto the local library, where they were holding a story time session. We caught [...]
Christmas Lunch
This week we had our Christmas lunch on Wednesday. The children all made Crowns, the trees were decorated and it all felt very festive at nursery. We just need our pigs in blanket now....
Children in Need
This year for Children in Need both nurseries held raffles to help raise money and awareness. It was great to see all the staff and children dressed up all week. We also had lots of face painting, dressing up, pyjamas and onesies in nursery. Well done everyone you all look great. We'll keep you posted [...]
Raspberry Picking with Keynsham Nursery
Raspberry Picking in Keynsham Nursery & Preschool Our Keynsham Preschool children were out in the garden picking the fruits of their labour yesterday. They picked raspberries, rhubarb, radishes and checked on the carrots. We then saw a lady bird and went and tried the raspberries to make sure they were nice a ripe. Planting and [...]
Colour and Nature Hunt at Forest School
This week the children from our Keynsham Nursery were on the hunt for different colours at Forest school. They all had 6 different colours to find and using only natural things, managed to find all of them. We then stuck some samples to our bags with then collected twigs, sticks, cones, pines and anything interesting. [...]
Along Comes Summer
Today the children in kingswood were all outdoors early – exploring and learning in the garden and making the most of the lovely weather, before the UV became too high. Water and sand play were amongst the favourites as usual. The children love to make the most of the different resources that are available in […]
Stream Fun at Forest School
Today our Kingswood children were exploring in the Stream at forest school. Wellies were at the ready as they cautiously moved over the rocky stream which helped to promote and improve the children's balance and stability. Gladly we had no big splashes! We also played with toys in the stream and caught floating leaves and [...]
Fred the Worm at Forest School
This week at Forest school, the children were joined by Fred the tickly worm. This is the second week we've been taking the Fish children from Kingswood to forest school. The children seem to be really enjoying getting out of nursery and into the woods for some exploration.
Boo Hide and Seek
On Wednesday we had fun and games in the garden in Kingswood with the Rabbit and Fish group children. Trying to film the children which then turned into a game of Boo Hide and Seek. Much more Fun!
The Great Outdoors
This week we were off on an outdoor adventure with forest school. The children really enjoy being out doors, exploring in the woods and generally being messy. Fresh air can be so underrated, it improves our childrens health and wellbeing and gives them a better understanding of nature and wildlife. This video gives an insight [...]
Red Nose Day
Today Nursery was full of red in aid of Red Nose Day. The children have been busy painting red noses on each other, there are red nose stickers in the lobby and we are also making cakes to help celebrate, rise money and awareness.
Princesses & Super Heroes
We had a lot of super heroes and Princesses in Nursery today! The children came into nursery dressed up as their favourite character from the favourite book to celebrate world book day.
T-Shirts in February
Its February and the T-shirts are out! On Wednesday the Tiger, Butterfly, Rabbit and Fish group children in Kingswood were out making the most of the garden and the warm weather. Children love to be outside, it gives them an opportunity to stretch their legs and get physical.
Forest School in keynsham Autumn Term 2018
Some photos we have taken whilst the Rabbit & Fish children are exploring and learning during our First School trips from last term. Click on the image below to view the full gallery.
Christmas Lunch in Kingswood
All the children wearing their Christmas Crowns they made especially for Christmas diner at nursery. It starting to feel a lot like Christmas. Click on the image below to view the full gallery.
Christmas Lunch in Keynsham
The children all sat down and enjoyed their Christmas lunch together. It's starting to feel very festive at Nursery. Click on the Image below to open the full Gallery.
Christmas Tree Decorating
Butterfly, Rabbit and Fish children had great fun decorating their trees ready for the Christmas lunch next week. Click on the image below to open the full gallery.
Christmas Tree Decorating in Keynsham
Our Butterfly, Rabbit & Fish group children in Keynsham carefully decorate their Christmas trees ready for the Christmas lunch next week. They all did a great job, their trees look fantastic. Click on the image below to open the full gallery.
Preschool Leavers Party in the Park
The parents and fish group children all came to the park for our leavers party, they enjoyed the hide a seek games and making their own woodland hats. It was nice to say good bye to everyone and we wish them all the best when they move on to big school.
Bonfire Christmas Story Evening
The parents and children enjoyed toasting marsh mallows and having Christmas stories around the bonfire for Bonfire night and in the run up to to Christmas
Christmas Nativity and Parties
The Fish group performed their nativity play for all the nursery children. Then everyone enjoyed the entertainers and party afterwards.
Preschool Leavers Party in Keynsham
Thank you to everyone who came to our Keynsham leavers party at Keynsham Memorial Party, we hope you all have a good time. We’ll be sad to see you all go off to school.
The Royal Wedding Party
The children celebrated the Royal Wedding between Prince Harry and Megan by having their own morning tea party in the garden. They made their own party crowns which they wore to the party.
Preschool Leavers Party in Kingswood
We all had a great time at Oldbury Court Estate and it was a lovely to say goodbye to our fish group as they leave us for school. Wishing everyone the best of luck at big school.