During the lockdown it can be very overwhelming for adults and children. This is something children will be remembering and learning about in years to come so why not bring a positive attitude to the lockdown and make some happy keepsake memories.
Here below are some lovely ideas of crafts and activities you can do as a family and look back on in the future.
Salt Dough Handprints
500 grams of plain flour
250grams salt
250mls of water (may need slightly more)
Mix the flour and salt then add the water. Mix it into a dough. Roll out onto a surface into your desired shape. You may need to sprinkle some flour on to the surface to prevent the dough sticking. Place the shape onto a baking tray. In turn make your handprints directly onto the dough, pressing your hands to make the print as deep and clear as possible. Place it in the oven and bake for 3-4 hours on the lowest heat until it is rock hard. When it is finished you can then paint your hands different colours and write something on the dough as you wish. If you have any clear varnish or pva glue and water mix you can paint onto the dough as a sealant.
Lock Down Memory Jar
A memory jar is a great thing you can do as a family during the lockdown. It is something you can look back on and remember the little things you have enjoyed even when times are tough. All you need is a glass jar, or a box and every day get your children to write on a post it one thing they have enjoyed from the day. These memories can be anything for example.
- Baking cakes
- Having a cinema night
- Having a sleep over in a sibling’s room
- Clapped for the NHS and keyworkers
- Easter egg hunt
- Going for a walk or bike ride
You can also decorate your jar or box and then after the lock down you can put the jar in a safe place and at times as a family look back at all the lovely things you have enjoyed, during these difficult times. This will help children to look back and appreciate the little things and the time they have spent with their families.
Handprint Photo Frame
This is another simple idea you can create as a family. All you need to do is draw around each of your hands on different coloured paper and stick them in size of big to small onto a plain piece of paper. You can then cut the paper to size and place it inside of a photo frame.
You can write each of your names on the hands and the date. This is a nice memory to make and look back on and to talk about as well as noticing how much their hands grown bigger over time.
Memory Scrap Book
This is a lovely idea for your children to do on their own or with their siblings. Each day or week they can stick in pictures they have created, pictures of themselves or their family in which has been taken. Children can even stick in things they may have found on their walks such as leaves, flowers and twigs. You can create your scrapbook pages separately on plain pieces of paper and then you can simply hole-punch the sides and tie the pieces together with string.
Or you can use a ring binder or folder and simply hole punch the things you wish to put in or place them inside punched pockets. This is a great idea to get your children involved in and allowing them to get creative. This is another keep sake which they will enjoy looking back on and talking about what they have created and their memories.
We hope you have fun getting creative and making lots of lovely keepsake memories to look back on together with your family. We would love to see some of the things you have been busy creating.
Take care and keep safe.